The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, ad if they can’t find them, make them

(George Bernard Shaw)

Prism Consulting S.r.l. is a shareholder of Conform – Consulenza, Formazione e Management, a limited liability consortium company that has been working nationally and internationally from 1995, developing and promoting major projects for the market and small, medium and large companies.

Conform S.C.A.R.L.

The main activities of Conform can be summarized as follows:

  • Development of a plurality of integrated products/services

  • Design, development and implementation of multidisciplinary, multimedia training products

  • Design and implementation of models and tools for feasibility studies (business plans) and to start up and develop new businesses

  • Technical assistance to public institutions to promote and manage sustainable development initiatives

  • Technical assistance and consulting to companies in the banking sector, to redefine work processes

  • Support and technical assistance to businesses working in agriculture, craft, industry, cooperatives, commercial and service sectors

  • Market research, surveys, organizational analysis and diagnosis of structural effectiveness/efficiency

Prism Consulting S.r.l. is a founding member of HUB SpA, a company which aims to contribute to  increase job opportunities through consulting activities

HUB S.p.A.

The main activities of HUB S.p.A. can be summarized as follows:

  • Marketing and Corporate Communication
  • Corporate finance and finance for not-for-profit businesses
  • Research and process/product development
  • Activities with high social impact and high environmental impact
  • Topics related to corporate social responsibility
  • Strategic planning and corporate policy processes
  • Business organization
  • Market orientation and career guidance
  • Processes to update, motivate and convert internal business team skills