Alice: “Alice: “where should I go?” – “That depends on where you want to end up” The Cheshire Cat!

PRISM SRL, in line with EU guidelines that consider skills a substantial reference for labour and vocational training policies, aims to become a reference point in the socio-economic development of the territory, so that:
young people and vulnerable groups in the labour market can be adequately supported in their professional orientation/placement, benefiting from learning paths that transfer them the skills required by their local production systems;
workers can continuously upskill (life-long learning), with quality training sessions that meet empowerment needs required by the rapid, profound technological and organizational innovations in production processes.

These objectives e achieved by:
providing vocational training, further and higher education services, carried out directly and/or on behalf of third parties, promoting, planning and implementing traditional and blended training projects/plans, to ensure the professional qualification of young people and updating/development of employees’, managers’ and entrepreneurs’ skills. This is undertaken with integrated actions (research, work experience, e-learning, project work, study visits, counselling, career guidance, skills assessment, placement, monitoring and quality control of results) working closely with schools, universities, businesses and the financial system;
designing, developing, implementing and marketing of websites, self-directed learning environments, simulators, business games, cartoons, videos, and multimedia training products
PRISM Consulting S.r.l. also produces:
feasibility studies
new entrepreneurship startup and development projects
organizational analysis and work process mapping with relative breakdown and preparation of competences dictionaries;
operating, educational, scientific, economic, social, and cultural informative materials and educational tools and materials created via funded initiatives, university Master courses and/or in the name of and on behalf of third parties, in conjunction with trade associations, institutions, banks, businesses, local authorities and national and international partners;
models, systems and tools for monitoring, testing, evaluation and certification of learning outcomes and project reporting
support and technical assistance activities for companies and public and private, national and international bodies