International subcontracting experience
COMBA - Competence based approach
The COMBA project, by transferring to career guidance staff and trainers in Italy and in partner countries, the competence based methodological model and the relative self-directed, virtual learning environment aimed to:
a) support synergetic guidance and training system actions to increase people’s sense of initiative and enterprise;
b) stimulate the career guidance and training sectors to diversify and personalize services offered to diagnose and develop “business” skills;
c) favour unemployed people’s access to career guidance/training services that facilitate and nurture a sense of initiative and enterprise, developing cognitive, capacity and behavioral competence elements.
E-CODE - E learning for competence development
The project aimed to adapt and transfer the methodological competence based model and its web application to the Credit Sector and the Employment Services sector. The model innovates practices and management systems of continuing training in e-learning, with flexible web-based training courses customized to individuals’ learning needs.
QUASS - Quality Assurance
The project aimed to:
a) provide input to improve the quality of systems and practices in the education and vocational training field;
b) define, test, validate and transnationally disseminate a series of quality indicators to improve the ability of analysts and designers in Training Bodies to diagnose learning needs and propose updated, effective Training courses that ensure the acquisition of lacking skills.
EQUAI - European Qualified
I.D. Code NL/06/B/PP – 157611 – Leonardo Da Vinci Programme – Pilot Poject
The project aimed to facilitate access to the labour market for people with low literacy levels or learning difficulties via innovative training, concentrated on two sectors of the logistics field:
a) Storage
b) Goods transport
Prism Consulting S.r.l. conceived, designed and implemented the learning environment to promote:
a) the dissemination of information on project aims;
b) the presentation of videos made by the partnership in the areas of Safety in the workplace, work and road safety, Health and safety, organization and work tools;
c) self-directed learning through ad hoc educational materials structured according to the different thematic areas covered by the project
I.D. Code UK/06/B/F/PP – 162-574 – Leonardo da Vinci Project
The project aimed to promote employability in voluntary and social communities, through vocational training of people already engaged in the reference areas and/or those who are entering the labour market, also by setting up new businesses.
Prism Consulting S.r.l. was responsible for:
a) preparing and contextualizing educational materials on the labour market and/or social business creation, tailoring its contents according to the characteristics and needs identified by individual territories involved in the project;
b) planning and developing a learning programme on: Planning of business development activities, Fund Raising, Marketing and Social Communication. The design of each module was based on the classification of EQF qualification levels (European qualification Framework);
CEO - Consortium for enterprise Outreach
I.D. Code UK/05/B/F/PP-162_360 -Leonardo Da Vinci Programme – Pilot Project
The project’s main objective was to develop a “tailor-made”, online, training program on enterprise creation for people with disabilities in order to demonstrate that entrepreneurship can actually reduce social exclusion and ensure real improvement of quality of life of people with disabilities and those who care for them.
Prism Consulting Ltd. adapted, contextualized and translated from English into Italian, 8 of 48 training pills developed by the International Partnership on topics concerning enterprise creation and management for people with disabilities
EUTRANEX - European Training Network of Excellence
I.D. Code I/04/B/F/NT-154094 – Leonardo Da Vinci Community Programme – Transnational networks
The project’s main objective was to promote the integration of different approaches existing in the network partner organizations and to develop a joint vocational training model, able to orient:
a) the analysis of SME production processes;
b) the development of a greater self-employment and entrepreneurship mindset, as a condition to encourage a practical response to business market needs.
Prism Consulting Ltd. designed, planned and implemented a web-based application in Italian, English, French and Spanish, to facilitate the adoption of a systemic approach to train and manage professional skills by:
a) analysing competence needs
b) designing training programmes
c) managing delivery of training programmes
I.D. Code IE/04/C/F/TH81200 – Leonardo Da Vinci Programme – Pilot Project
The project aimed to highlight the main problems experienced in working environments in Europe, both in the public and private sectors, concerning the integration of immigrants, due to demographic, economic and intercultural differences.
PRISM Consulting S.r.l. adapted, contextualized and subsequently translated the products created by the European partnership (sector specific booklets, and Web Training Manual) into Italian
I.D. Code Codice UK/ 04/B/F/PP LA NT – 162 – Leonardo Da Vinci Programme – Pilot Project
The project’s objective was to promote and reinforce the contribution of vocational training to innovation processes, developing a European standard for the authentication and evaluation of E-learning.
PRISM Consulting S.r.l. adapted, contextualized and translated from English into Italian the following research papers developed by the international partnership:
a) “Research report on the current position regarding how e-learning is assessed”;
b) “Research report into developing appropriate innovative technologies to facilitate authentication of e-learning”.
I.D. Code UK/03/B/F/PP- 162_006 – Leonardo Da Vinci Programme– Pilot Project
The project aimed to develop a set of online training tools for young people, women, ethnic minorities and disabled people.
Prism Consulting S.r.l. created three self-directed courses in the field of presentations, time management and mentoring, which are in the learning environment created for online consultation and translated into the 5 partnership languages.
I.D. Code F/B/F/P/PP151119 – Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Pilot Project
The project aimed to contribute to the increase in Europe of transnational on-the-job training, creating an Online Module for company tutors involved and a collaborative web space for tutors, trainers and trainees involved in testing on-the-job training
Prism Consulting S.r.l. adapted, contextualized and translated from English into Italian 12 case studies developed by the international partnership.