Scroll down to visit some websites developed by Prism Consulting Srl

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Over the years, CONFORM, in collaboration with public and private, national and international organizations,  has obtained significant experience in promoting and implementing publicly and privately funded initiatives while also providing business counselling and management by disseminating and applying management techniques, organizational models and solutions geared to using new communication and social networking forms.

 This experience has lead to studies and research on issues such as socio-economic development, enterprise management, introduction of new technologies in production processes, diversity management, multi-ethnic integration and vocational guidance of young people.

The website, therefore, tries to summarize those years of experience and zeal to showcase the mission and vision of a company devoted to the professional qualification of young people and vulnerable groups in the labour market favoring orientation to a business mindset and the development of key Community competences of spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship.

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The R.A.D.I.C.A. Training Plan aims to provide a training response closely related to critical factors of competitiveness. These are the building blocks that target companies have requested: the need to engage, nurture and develop internationalisation processes; development of new organizational and planning skills; incremental and radical innovation of products and processes; management and organizational improvement; intentional participation in broader “distributed intelligence”  innovation systems in the area and in “short networks” and processes of rapid learning of the ability and skills that “constitute” corporate knowledge.

A dedicated web site has been created to diffuse information on the R.A.D.I.C.A training plan. It contains information on its aims, intervention methods, news on training activities and other information and documents provided by the companies involved.

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The  BI.A.N.C.A. – Bilanci Ambientali, Networking e Competitività Aziendale (BI.A.N.C.A.-Environmental budgets, Networking and  Company Competitiveness) corporate training plan, through a systemic process of needs analysis, training design, delivery of educational content and assessment of learning outcomes, intends to provide:

  • technical skills to develop environmental management systems according to ISO 14001, designed to minimize negative impacts on the environment;

  • expertise to ensure that beneficiary firms can give impetus to a strategy that works both on renewable energy and efficiency – saving energy and to contain the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

A dedicated web portal has been developed to diffuse information on the BI.A.N.C.A. training plan, its aims, methods of intervention, news on training activities planned and any other information and documents provided by the companies involved.

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