The M.IN.D – Marketing, Internationalization & Development project aims to:
- create a stable, European network between institutional, economic and training actors to reduce the mismatch between the needs for skills of the production system and the training supplied by VET actors
- create a cooperation process to analyse, design, test, validate and disseminate a European framework to qualify an «International Marketing Manager» vocational profile, broken down into competences, named and describing knowledge and capacities/abilities and indicating the relative EQF level of the result expected and indicators to identify possession/exercise of a set of distinctive skills to:
- support SMEs in internationalisation processes by defining the strategy to choose the foreign country/market, the methods of entry and positioning with respect to the competition, communication strategies, with particular reference to the specific issues of agro-food products
- analyse the internal and external resources of the enterprise to identify market opportunities and relative strategies to adopt
- define international marketing strategies starting by analysing the competition and then market segmentation
- guiding SMEs in defining export plans on the basis of competitive and marketing strategies.